About Me
Dr. Stephen B. Mayville
Nevada Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Phone:- 775-826-6218
I am a licensed clinical psychologist providing psychological services to adults, children, and couples in Northern Nevada. Through my training and clinical practice (collectively spanning over 25 years), I have successfully treated a very diverse population of individuals. My approach to therapy is cognitive-behavioral. Cognitive-behavioral approaches to treatment involve a wide variety of therapeutic techniques that seek to change behavior and the way an individual experiences his/her environment. Cognitive-behavioral techniques have a strong basis in research, and provide a very practical and efficient means of treating a lot of common psychological and behavioral problems.
Program of Study: Clinical Psychology
(APA accredited doctoral program)
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA.
Degree conferred: Ph.D.
Program of Study: Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Therapy
University of the Pacific
Stockton, California.
Degree conferred: Master of Arts
Major: Psychology
Minor: American History
University of Nevada
Reno, Nevada
Degree conferred: Bachelor of Arts
Licensure and Certification:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Nevada, License PY0477
Positions Held:
Private Practice (June, 2005-present)
Service Provided: Provision of psychological services for adults, children, and families.
University of Nevada Football, Team Psychologist (August 2022-present)
Service Provided: Provide psychological services to student athletes, and consultation with the team and coaches regarding matters of
team performance.
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center Emergency Department, On-Call Staff Psychologist (June, 2006-2012)
Services Provided: Psychological risk assessment, and brief psychological consultation.
International Metabolic Weight Loss Clinic (June, 2007-August, 2008)
Services Provided: Director of Psychological Services for an interdisciplinary medical weight loss team.
Washoe County School District, Independent Consultant (February, 2005-2006)
Services Provided: Provide behavioral consultation services in school settings for behavior problems; supervise the implementation
of behavior treatment plans, conduct functional assessments of problem behavior, provide written evaluations and recommendations
for the implementation of behavior treatment plans.
Licensed Psychologist, Mountain Employee Assistance Program (March, 2005-June, 2006)
Services Provided: Conduct cognitive behavioral therapy for a wide range of problems with children and adults, conduct job performance evaluations, critical incident debriefings, and benefits orientations.
Independent Psychological Consultant, Bureau of Disability Adjudication (April, 2005-November, 2005)
Services Provided: Conduct mental status examinations and psychological testing to help determine eligibility for disability benefits.
Psychology Post-Doc, Mountain Employee Assistance Program (Jan 2004-March, 2005)
Duties: Provide cognitive behavioral therapy for a wide range of problems with children and adults, conduct job performance evaluations, critical incident debriefings, and benefits orientations.
Supervisor: Frank “Sandy” Evarts, Ph.D.
Predoctoral Psychology Intern, Pinecrest Developmental Center/Central State Hospital Internship Consortium (September, 2002-August, 2003)
Duties: Pinecrest Developmental Center: Serve as chairman of the Behavioral Intervention Committee (a committee for the review of all psychological evaluations and behavior treatment plans), serve as a consultant to on-site psychologists to assist with behavioral intervention design for severe behavior problems and the development of adaptive behavior, direct assessment for behavior problems (functional analysis), conduct research, and supervise the research of other graduate students related to dual diagnosis and medication side effects.
Supervisors: Stephen Swender, Psy.D., James Logan, Ph.D., and Richard Wakefield, Ph.D.
Central State Hospital
Patient population consists primarily of individuals diagnosed with a serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, severe mood and anxiety disorders). Duties include assessment and treatment of these problems within a cognitive-behavioral model.
Supervisors: Maria Kattan, Ph.D. and Kelly Pears, Ph.D.
Behavioral Consultant, Leesville Developmental Center (Jan 2002-Dec 2002)
Duties: Conduct behavioral assessments and provide treatment recommendations to staff for more challenging behavior problems.
Supervisors: Johnny Matson, Ph.D. and Rick Adams Ph.D.
Psychology Extern, Pinecrest Developmental Center (May-Aug, 1998; October, 2001-Auguest, 2002 )
Duties: Conduct assessments of aberrant behavior/psychopathology, adaptive functioning, social skills, feeding problems, and tardive dyskinesia for individuals with developmental disabilities, provide treatment recommendations based off of results of the assessment, and conduct and supervise research relevant to mental retardation.
Supervisor: Johnny Matson, Ph.D.
Psychology Extern, School Psychology Practicum (Sept-Dec, 2001)
Duties: Conduct curriculum-based assessments with children in elementary schools and conduct academic intervention based on results of the assessment.
Supervisor: Joe Witt, Ph.D.
Psychology Extern, Our Lady of the Lake Hospital Eating Disorders Program (Feb-Aug, 2001).
Duties: Therapist and case manager for children and adults diagnosed with anorexia, bulimia, and subthreshold variants of these disorders. Therapist for comorbid disorders such and mood and anxiety disorders. Therapy content included cognitive-behavioral therapy, body image, decision making and problem solving, relapse prevention, meal support, and alumni support group. Therapy conducted in both individual and group formats.
Supervisor: Donald Williamson, Ph.D.
Research Assistant, Pennington Biomedical Research Center (Louisiana State
University) (Dec, 1999-Oct, 2001)
Duties: Assist in data collection/coding and conduct literature review for research related to improving military diet selections among basic training recruits, supervise undergraduate research assistants, conduct psychological screenings for obesity drug studies, conduct group behavior therapy for weight loss, and lead a support group for weight loss.
Supervisor: Donald Williamson, Ph.D.
Research Assistant, Louisiana State University (Jan-Dec, 1999)
Duties: Conduct literature review, develop Institutional Review Board application and research materials, supervise undergraduate data collection, analyze data, and assist with manuscript development for research regarding hiring decisions across various physical and mental disabilities.
Supervisor: William Drew Gouvier, Ph.D.
Psychology Intern, Louisiana State University Psychological Services
Center (1999-2002)
Duties: Provide cognitive-behaviorally oriented assessment and treatment in an outpatient setting. Presenting problems include mood, anxiety, eating, impulse control, and personality disorders.
Supervisor: Donald Williamson, Ph.D.
Psychology Extern, Margaret Dumas Mental Health Center & Baton Rouge Mental Health Center (Sept, 1998-Oct, 2002)
Duties: Provide cognitive-behaviorally oriented assessment and treatment of adults in an outpatient setting. Presenting problems include anxiety, mood, psychotic and eating disorders (bulimia and binge eating disorder).
Supervisors: Bryan Gros, Ph.D., Amy Copeland, Ph.D., and David Penn, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant, Louisiana State University (Sept-Dec, 1998)
Duties: Generate and correct examinations for an undergraduate level abnormal psychology class, and meet with and advise undergraduate students on a weekly basis.
Supervisor: William Drew Gouvier, Ph.D.
Research Assistant, University of the Pacific (1997-1998)
Duties: Assist in research regarding eyewitness identification. Responsible for developing materials needed for running participants, encoding data, assisting in data analysis, and writing up sections of a research paper for presentation at the Western Psychological Association Conference (WPA) 1997.
Supervisor: Gary Howells, Ph.D.
Student Intern, University of the Pacific Psychology Clinic (1997-1998)
Duties:Therapy: Therapist for cases involving anger management, parent training, sports psychology, and marital therapy.
Assessment: co-evaluator for psychological evaluations involving Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Child Custody.
Supervisors: Gary Howells, Ph.D. and Pam Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Graduate Coordinator, University of the Pacific Community Re-Entry Program (1997-1998)
Duties: Teach independent living skills in a group home setting to adults with chronic schizophrenia.
Supervisors: Cris Clay, M.A. and Martin Gipson, Ph.D.
www.helpingchildrenafterdivorce.com (2010). A multimedia parent education program developed to assist parents undergoing divorce.
The Mood Maestro (2008). A stand-alone, multimedia program for depression developed in partnership with the University of Nevada Computer Sciences Dept.
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Babusa, B., Czegledi, E., Tury, F., Mayville, S.B., and Urban, R. (2015). Differentiating the levels of risk for muscle dysmorphia among Hungarian male weightlifters: A factor mixture modeling approach. Body Image, 12, 14-21.
Gonzalez-Marti, I, Fernandez Bustos, J.G., Contreras Jordan, O.R., & Mayville,S.B. (2012). Validation of a Spanish Version of the Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale: Escala de Satisfaccion Muscular. Body Image, 9, 517-523.
Martin, C.K., Drab, D.L., Yorke-Crowe, E., Mayville, S.B., & Greenway, F.L. (2007). Continuation of weight loss treatment is associated with the number of self-selected treatment modalities. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 3, 394-402.
Matson, J.L., Mayville, S.B., Lott, J.D., Swender, S.L., & Moscow, S. (2006).Depression and social skills among individuals with severe and profoundmental retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities,18, 393-400.
Matson, J. L., Minshawi, N. F., Gonzalez, M. L. & Mayville, S. B. (2006). The relationship of comorbid problem behaviors to social skills in persons with profound mental retardation. Behavior Modification,30, 496-506.
Swender, S.L., Matson, J.L., Mayville, S.B., Gonzalez, M.L., & McDowell, D.A. (2006).Functional assessment of handmouthing among persons with severe and profound mental retardation. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 31, 95-100.
Mayville, S.B., Matson, J.L., Laud, R., Cooper, C. & Kuhn, D.E. (2005). The relationship between Depression and Feeding Disorder Symptoms Among Individuals with Severe and Profound Mental Retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 17, 213-224.
Matson, J.L., Mayville, S.B., Kuhn, D.E., & Sturmey, P. (2005). The Behavioral Function of Feeding Problems as Assessed by the Questions About Behavioral Function. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26, 399-408.
Matson, J.L., Luke, M.A., & Mayville, S.B. (2004). The Effects of Antiepileptic Medications on the Social Skills of Individual with Mental Retardation. Research in Developmental Disabilities,25, 219-228.
Matson, J.L., Kuhn, D.E., Dixon, D., Mayville, S.B., Laud, R.B., Cooper, C., Malone, C., Minshawi, N., Singh, A., & Lott.J.D. (2003). The Development and Factor Structure of the Functional Assessment for multiple CausaliTy (FACT). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 24, 485-495.
Gouvier, W.D., Sytsma-Jordan, S., & Mayville, S. (2003) Patterns of Discrimination in Hiring Job Applicants with Disabilities: The Role of Disability Type, Job Complexity, and Public Contact. Rehabilitation Psychology, 48, 175-181.
Matson, J.L., Bielecki, J., & Mayville, S.B. (2003) Psychopharmacology Research for Individuals with Mental Retardation: Methodological Issues and Suggestions. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 24, 149-157.
Matson, J.L., Mayville, S.B., & Laud, R.B. (2003) A System of Assessment for Adaptive Behavior, Social Skills, Behavioral Function, Medication Side-Effects, and Psychiatric Disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 24, 75-81.
Mayville, S.B., Williamson, D.A., White, M.A., Netemeyer, R., & Drab, D.L. (2002) The Development of the Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale: A Self-Report Measure for the Assessment of Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms. Assessment,9, 351-360.
Mayville, S., Katz, R.C., Gipson, M., & Cabral, K. (1999). Assessing the Prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in an Ethnically Diverse Group of Adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 8, 357-362.
Published Book Chapter
Mayville, E.A., & Mayville, S.B. (2004). Data collection and observation systems. In Matson, J.L., Laud, R.B., & Matson, M. (Eds.), Handbook for Dual Diagnosis (pp. 130-159). New York: National Association for Dual Diagnosis.
Conference Poster Presentations:
Louisiana State University
Danae L. Drab., Donald A. Williamson, Frank L. Greenway, Stephen B. Mayville, Corby K. Martin, & Emily Yorke-Crowe, E.. Do People Do What They Say They Will Do? A Test of Motivation and Behavior Change in a Weight Management Program. Poster presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy conference in November, 2001.
Stephen B. Mayville, Donald A. Williamson., Marney A. White, Richard Netemeyer., & Danae L. Drab. The Development of the Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale: A Self-Report Measure for the Assessment of Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms. Poster presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy conference in November, 2001.
Williamson, D.A., Allen, R.A., Alfonso, P., Davis-Martin, P., Mayville, S.B., Hackes, B., & Hackes, A.E. Validation of Digital Photography and Visual Estimation Methods for Measuring Food Selections and Food Intake. Poster presented at the National Association for the Study of Obesity, 2001.
University of the Pacific
Stephen B. Mayville, Martin Gipson, and Roger C. Katz. The Body Image Rating Scale: A Short Questionnaire for the Assessment of Body Dysmorphic Symptoms. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association conference in April, 1998.
Stephen B. Mayville, Stephen E. Wong, Donald Wachelka, and Cris Clay. The Reduction of Body Dysmorphic Symptoms in a Male Diagnosed with Chronic Schizophrenia. Poster presented at the Northern California Association for Behavior Analysis conference in January, 1998.
Member, Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology (1995-1996).
Big West Conference All-Academic Team (University of Nevada Football, 1993 ).